February 9, 2025


All things film – In print and online

Prey! (Film Review)

Prey!, written and directed by Mukunda Michael Dewil, is described as an American action thriller set in the exquisite scenery of the Kalahari Desert, starring Emile Hirsch and Ryan Phillippe (who is great in James Nunn's One Shot). On paper it seems like a winning format yet you may be left wondering exactly where the promised action or indeed thrills were hiding. 

Let's start with the positives. The setting as expected is breath-taking and the cinematography captures the beauty and devastation of the desert flawlessly. The score works well and fits with the feel of the film. The wildlife shots are wonderful and although likely to be stock footage, these beautiful big game animals steal the scenes. 

And that's really where the positives end. The talented Mena Suvari is barely features, which is another immediate gripe. Yet another so-called action film with an almost entirely male cast that then dispatches the only woman far too early on? Come on. 

Then there is the “action” or in this case, the severe lack of it. And this is the issue. Tell an action fan there will be action and they are waiting for guns and fights or at least guns or fights and actually hopefully lots of fights with guns. Where is the adrenaline surged choreography, car chases, hand to hand combat. You know, action.

Prey! has almost none of that, which doesn't make it a bad movie but doesn't make it what the general action fan is looking for. Maybe it should have been called a survival film instead which would have tempered expectations. 

For any gore hounds out there, be prepared for very little well, death. If you're hoping for some Man V Lion carnage then you'll be disappointed, a few smears of blood is about all that's delivered when there could have been some gnarly devastated corpses ripped apart by big cats, picked apart by scavengers, upping the thrills and tension as the vultures circle but no. 

Finally there were the – unexpected in this genre – religious overtones. It got kind of preachy and the ending was pretty ridiculous. DTV fans are often more than happy to check any believability at the door but this took the biscuit. Maybe the mention of ‘Christian missionary' in the synopsis should have been this giveaway for this “action thriller” more being a drawn out advertisement for believing in God. 

Overall this film looks beautiful but suffers from poor marketing and PR. If you go into it knowing there is hardly any action or violence, barely any bloodshed and who knows what the supposed thrills were then maybe you'll enjoy it. Otherwise, you'll likely be left wanting. 


Prey! is available on Digital Platforms and DVD 29 April. Distributed by