February 8, 2025


All things film – In print and online

Ts Madison Ate THAT (And This Interview!)

Ts Madison

It's always a good day when a favourite gets their own show! This time, the honour falls to Ts Madison, taking on the weirdest snacks from all over the internet. FILMHOUNDS sat down with her to take a bite out of what's to come.

Where did the inspiration for the show come from?

Baby, I like to EAT and I eat GOOD! So why not combine that and this BIG personality and taste some crazy snacks! Food is a big part of my life, my mother, Ms. Mary, is one of the best cooks I know!


Why do we all love weird snacks so much?

We love a weird snack because we're all weird people. I think taste in food is such a personality thing, just like clothing. You eat what you like and you wear what like – hell, even people's taste in relationships. Being a human is being weird, something connects everyone really.


Does WOW feel like the ideal place to explore creatively?

ABSOLUTELY! These are my people, my family and I don't think this show would fit anywhere else. WOW encourages you to think outside of box- you know, making us step our pussy up! It's one of the most unique programming available. It allows you to step outside of the box, that very important. There are places that say that want that but don't truly pour into you creatively and freely.


How does it feel to be such a fan-favourite judge on Drag Race?

Serving on Drag Race is an honor – and I do mean SERVING. Don't I stay SNATCHED on there? I love that fans trust me enough to speak unfiltered and help give critiques from MY perspective. My overall goal on the show is to make the person standing in front of us the best they can't be and that takes honesty. That's all TS Madison can give and I'm gon give it honey! It's such a joy to see so many young talents get the opportunity to grow, in front of your eyes.


Have you taken any lessons from doing The Ts Madison Experience/Turn Out into this new show?

The main lesson I've learned and taken into both experiences is: Trust your gut and bet on yourself! I would never be where I was if I didn't believe in myself and listen to my gut. Both of those shows are very different but also very real parts of who I am. You have to know yourself. Be yourself, bitch. Step your pussy up, honey. Get a job. Own a business, bitch. Suck a dick!


How different (or difficult) is it from other TV appearances to be the front woman for a show all your own?

It's not difficult for me, I've been the front woman for this show called My Life for a while now. I own the room when I walk in and the ears perk open when I open my mouth. That's a powerful gift that I don't take for granted. I keep in mind the goal and to entertain and bring people joy and create spaces for those that look like me – who may not think they can do this.


I watched your talk for Breaking Barriers — you have to be the most positive and authentic Black trans representation that we have. Does it ever become a burden to be looked to in this way, or is there even an expectation to be a “spokesperson”?

I can honestly say that membership has its privileges and disadvantages. Only because everyone expects you to get it right, I'm from the benevolent and of the benevolent being but I am human. So my passion may overshadow the message, but my intentions are always good. But, to that


What do you hope fans will get from Ate That?

I hope they get a good damn laugh! This show is fun and spontaneous, which is what I do best. So, sit back, relax, grab a snack and get ready for ATE THAT!

Ts Madison Ate That is streaming on Plus now.