Later this month, Cocaine Bear, a comedy film about a 500 pound bear who ingests a lot of blow will be released. If you've seen the trailer, you're aware that cocaine is thrown from a plane, several people decide to go into the woods (always a bad idea), and a bear swallows a few kilos of coke. We then see the bear run impressively fast, climb trees in seconds, and bloodthirstily attack people.
But what's the real story behind the bear? Well, its a far more tragic and sad tale. In 1985, drug-runner (and Kentucky native) Andrew Thornton III, jumped off a plane with a parachute and a duffle bag filled with cocaine. Unfortunately for him, his parachute got tangled and he did not survive. A 175 pound black bear came across the drugs, ingested them, and died immediately.
The bear was taxidermied post-mortem by a friend of the medical examiner. He then swapped owners for a while (including a stop-over with country singer Waylon Jennings). Finally, in 2015, he ended up in the hands of the folks at KYforKY, who put him on display. The Lexington based museum/fun mall now has over 75,000 visitors annually. Visitors can take photos with the bear, and buy merchandise associated with the bear.
As a result of the press surrounding the upcoming movie, the bear will soon go on a North American tour. KYforKY has also named him a mascot of the State of Kentucky.
Photo provided by Griffin Van Meter
Here we speak with Griffin Van Meter, cofounder of KYforKY, about the bear.
Can you tell me more about the North American tour? Which cities will you be visiting and what are the tour dates?
It is currently being developed. I'll report back when we have it all more fleshed (pun intended) out. It will include a bunch of Scare/Horror cons and visiting some of the great Roadside America attractions.
We are also developing an animated series for more Cocaine Bear adventures.
How do you transport Cocaine Bear?
When Cocaine Bear is all jacked up, we parachute it out of an airplane with 80 kilos of cocaine strapped to its body. But if Cocaine Bear had a rough night and is hungover, we'll transport him in a box truck and give it a milkshake and an iPad.
Why do you believe Cocaine Bear makes for a good Kentucky mascot?
Before we searched for Cocaine Bear's stuffed remains, he was a forgotten footnote in the story of the Bluegrass Conspiracy. His demise is now well documented, and his mythologized final hours are about to hit the silver screen, but post-death, his story gets even weirder and more convoluted. In 2015 we tracked down the long-lost taxidermied Bear and brought him to the KY for KY Fun Mall in Lexington, Kentucky, to share his legend and what we learned about his post-overdose provenance.
Visited and bringing joy to thousands of people every month, Cocaine Bear is not just a roadside attraction – and soon-to-be biopic anti-hero – he's also a city mascot, a heartwarming community builder, and a warning to all the dangers of drug abuse. We trademarked his name and likeness as part of our guardianship, popularizing him as a character. You can visit Cocaine Bear free of charge during opening hours. We hope that you do.
What is the upkeep like of Cocaine Bear?
Cocaine Bear is in excellent condition for being almost 40 years old. The display is dusted and waxed regularly. To further help preserve the Bear (and to ensure nobody gets eaten), we don't let people touch it, but they can get close and take as many pictures as they like for free.
Do you believe he would have enjoyed his recent photo shoot with director Elizabeth Banks?
I believe so. Cocaine Bear calls her mom and didn't maul her. They have a good thing going with a lot of mutual respect.
Is cocaine bear the same size as the bear in Cocaine Bear?
Even though the camera adds some weight, Cocaine Bear stays in shape, and its muscle mass is adequately represented.
What else should people see in Lexington, KY?
Lexington is a fantastic place to visit. We have lovely intact downtown, but within a 5-minute drive, you can be in the pristine bluegrass landscape (A World Monuments Fund listed Cultural Landscape). The Horse Farms and Bourbon Distilleries have world-class tourism offerings. There is also epic street art, thanks to an annual international mural festival and a donut shop tour! The best resource for those offerings are at:
Cocaine Bear releases in UK cinemas on 24 February.