February 12, 2025


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An Easy Watch That’s No Threat — ‘She-Hulk: Attorney At Law’ (TV Review)

Ever since the earth-shattering conclusion of Avengers: Endgame, the MCU has taken us far and wide all the way from the vast depths of the multiverse to the life of a schoolgirl in Jersey. But it now feels like is feeding us with content too quickly for everything to be a hit as She-: Attorney at Law proves to be one of Marvel's weakest outings since the last time they had the word ‘Hulk' in the title with The Incredible Hulk back in 2008.

She-Hulk is an enjoyable little series and from the four episodes that we've been able to see, that's about it. It's enjoyable and it introduces a new female superhero to the MCU but there's nothing here begging you to rewatch the show over and over again like there was with WandaVision or Loki or some of the other recent Marvel shows and films.

slots nicely into the heels of lawyer Jennifer Walters and into the spandex as She-Hulk. She's the cousin of and episode one is largely just backstory and her coming to terms with her new powers. We witness Bruce both as regular old Bruce Banner but also as Smart Hulk, and it just feels like Marvel never goes all the way in making anything permanent.

Marvel Studios

The Hulk made a big deal about how he's stuck as the Hulk and might never be Bruce again and yet here we get both Bruce and the Hulk almost as if Marvel got bored of that one character strand they were developing and want to go back to what they used to have. In the same way that always happens with Marvel; the Guardians went off with Thor at the end of Endgame only to say goodbye to Thor ten minutes into Love and Thunder. Or how Rhodey got paralysed in Civil War but that's never really seemed to affect him in any way, shape, or form. When something happens to a character it should be permanent yet Marvel rarely seems to deliver on this.

Thankfully though, the show isn't titled ‘Hulk', and it's about She-Hulk. After the first episode, we can say goodbye to Bruce and we get to see Jen take on her new role in the superhuman law division where her first case is for the parole of one Emil Blonsky (aka Abomination) and we witness the aftermath of his cage fight with Wong from Shang Chi. And talking of Wong, everyone's favourite sorcerer supreme is back once again, and as usual, he steals the show. It can only be a matter of time before he gets his own film or + series instead of just appearing in everyone else's show.

There are times when it feels like a cameo-of-the-week show — and Jen even addresses this. Much like Deadpool, Jennifer Walters breaks the fourth wall a lot and talks directly to the audience (although She-Hulk has been doing it far longer than the merc with a mouth) and it's a good source of humour but specifically saying that your show isn't just cameos when so far it seems like that's a big part of it doesn't get you very far. The bulk of the humour however comes from Jen's family who are hilarious and ask all the questions we really want to know about the Avengers.

Marvel Studios

After the first trailer for the show, a lot of criticism was hurled at the CGI and the overworked VFX artists that Marvel use, and unfortunately the CGI throughout She-Hulk is far less than perfect. But the strange thing is, the CGI on the Hulk looks far better than that of She-Hulk. Maybe it's because they've been doing VFX for the Hulk for a number of years now but it's just a shame that the main character in the show and the female Hulk looks far more laughable and cartoonish than her male counterpart. Marvel's CGI has been plaguing them for some time now but at some point, they really are just going to have to step up their game in this respect as it's starting to make their work look cheap. And when Marvel is spending millions and millions of dollars on each episode, looking cheap is the last thing they want.

In terms of episode length, it's shorter than what we're used to from Marvel with most episodes around the 30-minute mark. Episode 2 is a mere 23 minutes excluding credits (although as usual, the credits are lovely to sit through, and there are scenes in every single episode's credits).

This makes for nice, easy watching and that's really all that She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is at this stage. There's no real plot or threat, there's not been a whole lot of action but it's perfectly watchable. I'm having a good time watching the series but if you're not an MCU superfan there's not a whole lot pulling you in. And even for the MCU superfan, there's little to force you to be there at 8am every week watching the new episode.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is an enjoyable show that's introduced an exciting new character to the , only it hasn't really gone anywhere or done anything too memorable with her just yet.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law starts streaming on Disney+ on August 18th