February 16, 2025


All things film – In print and online

Do You Know Your Star Wars From Scorsese? Stattogories Puts Your IMDB Knowledge To The Test In Fun New Game

Have you been studying the Top 250 for years and wanting to put all that hard work to good use? Then you better play !

Stattogories is a platform of free to play stats based quizzes created by Gareth Evans. The game currently offers Google, Spotify, IMDb and YouTube stats and you have to pick which song's been played more, or which channel has more subscribers. My personal favourite is the IMDB ratings version which forces you to guess which film has the IMDb rating. The latest IMDb Movie Ratings version was born out of Evans' passion for watching films and comparing stats.

“The IMDb rating is a benchmark many people use to decide whether to watch a film or not. When discussing films with friends and family I often challenge people to guess what score they think a film we are discussing gets on IMDb. Bringing these stats into the Stattogories platform has been great fun, people are discussing, arguing and showing genuine shock at some of the ratings some popular films get on IMDb. It's great to see people enjoying the game and testing their film knowledge.” says Stattogories

My personal high score is 54, which frankly I'm annoyed at given there's no way Man of Steel is rated a whole star above Bird of Prey however nonetheless, it's a very addictive game to play with the highest score recorded so far being a whopping 197. Given the averages though, anything over a score of 9 is very respectable so I'm not so disappointed by my 54!

Click HERE to give Stattogories  a go now and don't forget to let us know your high score!