After being announced at a previous Nintendo Nindies presentation, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals has now been confirmed to release on PS4 and PS5 at the game's launch in 2022. The sequel to the supernatural mystery-thriller hit Oxenfree is set five years later and stars new protagonist Riley Poverly. A new Playstation Blog, written by the game's co-writer Adam Hines, reveals further details about Riley and what to expect with the story.
“In Oxenfree, our characters were just finishing high school, and entering that period of time in their lives when they get to decide who they really want to be. Riley had that moment long ago, and is now grappling with the repercussions of post-adolescence. Were the choices she made the right ones for her? Is she who she really wants to be?” – Adam Hines, Lead Writer & Co-Founder at Night School Studio
Having been recently hired as an environmental researcher, Riley is tasked with planting radio transmitters around the small town of Camena after strange electromagnetic waves start disrupting the community. It's safe to say that things will only get weirder and other-worldly for Riley.
Players can expect to once again delve into developer Night School Studio's signature dialogue system, and get their hands on radios to tune into supernatural signals. Hopefully fans will be treated to a concrete release date sooner than later.