February 10, 2025


All things film – In print and online

Black Widow to Open with Expanded Aspect Ratio Exclusively in IMAX®

(NYSE: IMAX) have announced that Studios' , set to be released by The Walt Disney Company on the 9th July, will debut with 22 minutes of select scenes in expanded exclusively in IMAX®. Black Widow is the first new movie in Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the first new Marvel Studios theatrical release since 2019.

See an exclusive image from the film with IMAX's expanded aspect ratio here:

Directed by Cate Shortland, Black Widow stars Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh, David Harbour, and Rachel Weisz. With several scenes specially formatted exclusively for IMAX® cinemas, film fans can experience Black Widow on the massive IMAX screen at 1.90:1 aspect ratio – showing up to 26% more of the onscreen image.

Aspect ratio is the technical term for the proportional relationship between an image's width and height. Most films are presented in an aspect ratio called CinemaScope (2.40:1) which is why they appear very wide but not very high. IMAX provides filmmakers with the ability to use an expanded aspect ratio – allowing them to use more of the original image. Watching a film with an expanded aspect ratio provides audiences with a full immersive view that fills the peripheral vision more than any other cinematic experience.

Black Widow will be playing in IMAX cinemas from 9th July.

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