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A slice of psychedelic adventure – Interdimensional Pizza Pushers (LDFilmFest Short Film Review)

Leoni Horton looks at 's Short Film ‘'

You've heard of Rick and Morty's interdimensional cable, but have you caught the news about Fishlips and Honeybear's interdimensional pizza? 

From student filmmaker, Lije Morgan comes the quirky and delightful animated short Interdimensional Pizza Pushers. The film follows two pizza delivery drivers as they race against the clock and across dimensions to deliver an enormous amount of orders to an assortment of kooky characters. While unique in its own way, the film will be a must-see for fans of cartoons such as Bojack Horseman, Rick and Morty and The Amazing World of Gumball

Vibrant and colourful, Interdimensional Pizza Pushers blends an insanely impressive range of styles with enthralling adventure and millennial meme humour. The film certainly has all the right ingredients to become yet another cult favourite – there are 420 jokes, Wonderwall jibes and classic cartoonish violence. Morgan treats us to a new spectacle with each delivery, from stop motion to anime, showcasing an intrinsic talent for cartoon artistry and world-building. A funky and psychedelic score from , , complements a wealth of eccentric voice-acting and zany but oddly compelling characters. Although familiar in style to other much-loved animated favourites, the film is distinct and refreshing.

There's an assortment of wacky and eye-grabbing treats on offer, but the five-minute runtime just isn't enough!

One watch of Interdimensional Pizza Pushers will leave you salivating for another slice.

You can watch Lije Morgan's Interdimensional Pizza Pushers as part of the 's Present program on May 29th 2021, at 8 PM EST.

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