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A bride and groom walk out of their suite… – Honeymood (LFF Review)

When a story takes place over one night, you can either accept a fully emotional and socially aware, usually intersectional story with multiple characters, or its going to be a comedy about a few people, usually a couple, going through a series of ridiculous scenarios which they have self-inflicted upon themselves. Honeymood is most definitely the latter and it definitely delivers on the ridiculous and sometimes stressful moments.

After a bride and groom argue over an ex of his gifting him a ring as a present, the newly wedded couple go out into the night to return the ring. But after attempting to do this, what seemed, a simple gesture, the couple ends up with more than they bargained for, including self-doubt, parents questioning their choices, and stretching their trust of each other to the limits. Can their new marriage survive the night as well as go the distance?

When we first meet our couple of the night, we don't know much about them. It's through their actions and interactions with others that we learn how different they really are, the fact they haven't known each other that long, and how they both have doubts about their relationship yet still want to be with one another. These outer thoughts are expressed through some very unusual scenes, including a dance scene involving the Prime minister's guards, an existential crisis when a nurse tries to commit suicide and needs to be talked down, and an impromptu party with students. It's exciting to see where the two will end up next, together or apart and whether the groom's father has actually been following them the entire time or not.

Following up on her brilliantly executed comedy-drama Zero Motivation (2014) writer and director has the eye and hear for short sharp witty banter and the talent to extend one simple idea into an entire night time odyssey without tripping upon any of the insane scenarios that are thrown at our bride and groom. The situation never quite goes beyond the unbelievable and always stays within the realm of excellent comedic timing. The comedy in the scenes is a delightful mixture of awkward, bizarre, and witty conversation that can only be delivered in the matter of fact way it was written. Honeymood is a delightful journey of sorts that explores emotional doubts and fears but ultimately overcomes any obstacles for a silly and satisfying end.

Dir: Talya Lavie

Prd: , ,

Scr: Talya Lavie

Cast: ,


Year: 2020

Country: Israel

Running time: 90 minutes

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